Page 5 - TEMA: Las Tecnologías Educativas Construccionistas
P. 5


                      At  the  time  where  the  concept  of  the  Constructionism  appears,  the  Digital

               Technologies  as  known  today,  didn't exist  yet. With  the appearance  of  the  “Digital
               Natives" (Prensky, 2009), the concept of the given education changed, reason why

               the  natural  tendency  of  these  Students,  to  use    the  Technological  Devices

               (Notebook, Netbook, Ultrabook, Tablet, SmartPhone, IPhone, etc.) as a learning tool.
               Their  option  was  to  put  attention  on  the  new,  the  surprising,  the  colored  and  the

               unexpected  of  the  Educational  Technologies.  The  Cognitive  Neurosciences
               associates this effect with the “Dopamine”, generated by the brain in front of pleasant

               experiences and that helps the Student in natural form to increase his attention and
               help his memory to remember (Menichetti, 2011).

                       The Epistemology from which is carried this out, is about the Constructionism
               of Seymour Papert, a pupil of Piaget, at the Geneva University in the 60´s. He affirms

               that, although the learning begins from the interaction between the subject and the
               object, this interaction becomes relevant when it takes place in atmospheres in which

               a real product is built (Papert & Harel, 1991).

                      Usually  in  the  Schools,  these  "Technologies  in  the  Education",  are  used  for

               administration  goals  (Systems  of  Information)  and  as  a  supporting  tool  for  the
               Teachers through ICT (Information and Communications Technologies). In a program

               based on "Educational Constructionist Technologies" (ECT) , the Students use them
               as Learning Model considered inside those "Technologies for the Education."

                      The Student  is no longer a simple user of an application in the web or in some
               technological device, he is responsible in creating his own application for his own use

               and for the Society.

                  The term "Educational Constructionist Technologies” or "ECT", as others in this investigation, is a
               neologism that refers to Educational Technologies that allows the Student to take an active role in the
               creation  of  significant  products  in  opposition  of  those  "  Information  and  Communications
               Technologies" or  “ICT” in that the Students work passively with the technologies, as for example like
               consulting Google or Wikipedia

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